UPCOMING EVENTS All information available in the news



Population: 44.26 million
GDP Growth: 6.5%
Urban Population: 24.37%
Rural Population: 75.63%
Uganda is a landlocked country in East Africa. The southern part of the country includes a substantial portion of Lake Victoria, shared with Kenya and Tanzania. Uganda is in the African Great Lakes region.

Contact Details

Plot 652, Block 257, Wamala Close,
Munyonyo, Kampala

Tel: +256 39 380 0644

Email: michael.byamukama@repssi.org


Ministry of Gender Labour and Social Development

Ministry of Education and Sports

Nsamizi Institute of Social Development

WORLD Vision Uganda

Child of THE World Foundation (COW – Foundation)

Michael Ntanda Byamukama

Country Director

Issues affecting children and young people in Uganda

Despite government and development partners’ efforts to put in place legal and policy frameworks on the protection of children, the safety of children from abuse and exploitation remains a challenge.

The 2015 National Survey on Violence against Children attests to this reality by pointing out that people in positions of authority represent one of the categories of perpetrators of first incidence of sexual violence among children especially girls.

Uganda has the second youngest population in the world, with children accounting for about 56% of the total population. Child sexual abuse and marriage remain the greatest development challenges Uganda faces today.

Children in Uganda experience various forms of violence including child neglect, child sacrifice and trafficking, sexual abuse, child marriages, child labour and violence in schools such as corporal punishment.

Violation of children’s rights, account for the denial and deprivation of children’s fundamental human rights such as education, adequate food and nutrition, access to health services, safety and participation.

Uganda is ranked among the global hot spots, with high rates of child sexual abuse and child marriages. UNICEF (2015) estimates that for every 10 girls, 5 are married off before the age of 18.

Policy And Frameworks Supporting Children In Uganda

  • Ensure children are not detained with adults
  • Children are not incarcerated in adult prisons,
  • Children are not involved in armed combat
  • All trials involving children are not delayed, they are free and fair, and only rehabilitative orders are given.
  • No child is sentenced to death in case they have been found guilty of capital offences.
  • Establishing child friendly procedures, mechanisms and solutions in the juvenile justice system.
  • Ensure that the best interest of the child is paramount in determining custody, parentage, alternative care including foster care, guardianship, adoption and sentencing.

REPSSI Projects In Uganda

REPSSI Work In Uganda

Involved in the Social Services workforce discussions at national as well as global level. This includes engaging actively with the National Association of Social Workers, leading in the International Federation of Social Workers Africa region Conference and participating in the steering committee of the Global Social Services Workforce Alliance.


Participated in global discussions on child protection, including participating in the Inspire Training of Trainers.


Entered into partnership with TPO to implement the social connectedness and sexual and reproductive health project in Kiryandongo refugee camp with support from Sweden and Synergos.

Meet the Team

Michael Ntanda Byamukama

Country Director michael.byamukama@repssi.org

Jennifer Opoka

Programme Manager

Juliet Naava

Finance and Admin Manager


Evarist Dikweya

Regional Coordinator evarist.dikweya@repssi.org

Zaina Nakubulwa

Project Coordinator zaina.nakubulwa@repssi.org

Kenneth Mugaiga

Finance and Admin Officer kenneth.mugaiga@repssi.org

Barbra Nandyose

Administrative Officer barbra.nandyose@repssi.org


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